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A Clinical Study of Benign Epilepsy of Childhood with Centrotemporal Spikes

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(9):1251-1256.
Published online September 15, 1994.
A Clinical Study of Benign Epilepsy of Childhood with Centrotemporal Spikes
Byung Il Lee, Sang Ju Han, Hong Jin Lee, Won Il Park, Kyung Ja Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Chunchon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University, Chunchin, Korea
Benign Epilepsy of Childhood with Centrotemporal Spikes -임상양상 및 뇌파소견-
이병일, 한상주, 이홍진, 박원일, 이경자
한림의대 춘천성심병원 소아과
Benign epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes(BECCT) is an electroclinical syndrome characterized by noctural seizure that remit spontaneouly before adulthood, and belong to idiopathic age and location related epilepsies. We reviewed the medical records to analyse the seizure pattern, and also inspect the EEG recording to identify topography of the epileptiform discharge of 24 patient who met the following criteria: 1)presence of nocturnal seizure or partial seizure confined to the face, 2)normal intecual and development, 3)normal background EEG feature, 4)monomorphic spikes or sharp wave that increase in the frequency during sleep if those state were achieved. The result as follow: 1)The age of seizure onset were 3 to 11 years old(7.08¡¾1.89) and male to female ratio was 1.4:1 2)Past history of birth trauma, CNS infection and other diseases involving CNS, were not found. There was past history of febrile convulsoin in 33.3%of patient and ephilepsy in 8.3%. One of paient's sister had childhood abscence epilepsy and never a nocturnal partial seizure, also had centrotemporal spikes in EEG. 3)In 91.7% of seizures occurred during sleep, especially short after sleep onset and the symptomatology of seizure was shown 66.7% of oropharyngeal sign, such as hypersalivation and gargle sound, and 54.2% of hemifacial involvement, 33.3% of speech arrest, 25.5% of upper limb involement, 18.3% of lower limb involvement, and 45.8% of general seizure. 4)In 91.5% of patients had one location of epileptiform discharge that located central (37.5%), midtemporal(33.3%), parietal and frontal. We could observe tangental dipole in 16.7% of patients.
Key Words: BECCT, Nocturnal partial seizure

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