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The Variations of CSF Glucose-To-Blood Glucose Ratio according to the Time of Blood Sampling in Asepetic Meningitis

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(12):1687-1692.
Published online December 15, 1994.
The Variations of CSF Glucose-To-Blood Glucose Ratio according to the Time of Blood Sampling in Asepetic Meningitis
Dong Gui Jang, Yong Seok Choi, Mee Kyoung Lee, Chang Hee Kim, Dong Jin Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Dong Kang Hospital, Ulsan, Korea
무균성 뇌막염 환아에서 채혈 시간에 따른 뇌척수액 당 대 혈당 치 비율 변화에 대한 연구
장동귀, 최용석, 이미경, 김창희, 이동진
동강병원 소아과
The Measurement of CSF glucose and CSF glucose-to-blood glucose ratio is a very useful laboratory test for the differential diagnosis of meningitis. We have observed the change of blood glucose & CSF glucose-to-blood glucose ratio according to the time of blood sampling in 84 patients with aseptic meningitis who had been admitted to the department of peditrics, Dong Kang hospital from May 1993 to June 1993. The results obtained were as follows; 1) The blood glucose level examined with blood sample drawn just before lumbar puncture and one just after lumbar puncture was 98.29¡¾6.20mg/dl and 106.49¡¾9.47mg/dl, respectively. 2) The blood glucose level examined with blood sample drawn just before lumbar puncture and one 30 min. after lumbar puncture was 96.47¡¾1.52mg/dl and 117.00¡¾2.12mg/dl, respectively. 3) The CSF glucose-to-blood glucose ratios examined with blood sample drawn just before lumbar puncture and one just after lumbar puncture was 67.70¡¾2.40% and 62.83¡¾2.62%, respectively. 4) The CSF glucose-to-blood glucose ratios examined with blood sample drawn just before lumbar puncture and one just after lumbar puncture was 70.10¡¾1.77% and 56.35¡¾3.75%, reskpectively. We concluded that a simultaneous blood glucose level should be taken just before lumbar puncture.
Key Words: Aseptic meningitis, CSF glucose-to-blood glucose ratio

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