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Comparative Study on the Allergy Skin Test and RAST in Allergic Patients

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(12):1693-1700.
Published online December 15, 1994.
Comparative Study on the Allergy Skin Test and RAST in Allergic Patients
Il Tae Whang, Young Mi Hong, Gyoung Hee Kim
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Wamans University, Seoul, Korea
소아 알레르기 질환에서 피부반응 검사와 특이 IgE에 대한 연구
황일태, 홍영미, 김경희
이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
The allegic skin test and RAST are used commonly to demonstrate the presence of skin sensitizing IgE antibody in the diagnosis of allergic disease. To evaluate the agreement rate and correlation between results of skin test and RAST (radioallergosorbent test) in allergic subject, 83 allergic childgood with positive skin test (bronchial asthma: 26, allergic rhinitis: 27, atopic dermatitis and urticaria: 6 bronchial asthma and allergic rhnitis: 24) and 16 nonallergic childhood were studied. The results were as follows. 1) Peripheral eosinophil counts were significantly elevated in groups with bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma & allergic rhinitis except atopic dermatitis & urticaria group in comparison with normal control group. 2) Serum IgE levels were significantly higher in groups wit bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma & allergic rhinitis than in normla control group except atopic dermatitis & urticaria group but there was no significant differences among study groups. 3) RAST units of D.p and D.f were significantly higher in study group except atopic dermatitis & urticaria group. RAST units of cockroach, however, were not significantly increased but in D.f, combined group of bronchial asthma & allegic rhinitis was significantly higher tha bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis(p<0.05). 4) Each agreement rate between 3+ skin test and positive rate of RAST in D.p, D.f, cockroach was 37.5%, 63.6% and 12.5% respectively and 4+ skin test and positive rate of RAST was 84.05, 89.1% and 38.4%. 5) Correlation coefficient between skin test and RAST was 0.71 in D.p, 0.59 in D.f and 0.23 in cockroach. In conclusion, there was difference in agreement rate between positive skin test and RAST to each allergen. Agreement rate between positive skin test and RAST was higher in D.p and D.f These results uggest that RAST can be used simultaneously with skin test for detecting allergens.
Key Words: Allergic skin test, RAST, Allergic patients

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