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Sequential Changes of Chest Radiographic Finding after Exogenous Surfactant Replacement Therapy in Neonates with RDS

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1995;38(2):151-158.
Published online February 15, 1995.
Sequential Changes of Chest Radiographic Finding after Exogenous Surfactant Replacement Therapy in Neonates with RDS
Hyeok Choi, Chong-Woo Bae, Sa-Jun Chung, Yong-Mook Choi
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea
신생아 호흡 곤란 증후군에서 인공 폐 표면 활성물질 보충요법후 흉부 방사선 소견의 변화
최혁, 배종우, 정사준, 최용묵
경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: The chest radiograph is useful and reliable in assessing the severity and progres-sion of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. To evaluate the effect of exogenous surfactant r eplacement therapy, we performed sequential observation of chest radiogratphic findings in ne-onates with respiratory distress syndrome.
: Two groups of infant with RDS in mechanical ventilation therapy were studied. S-urfactant(S-Tx) group(n=36) was treated with Surfactant-TA and control group(n=19) was without use of surfactant. Observation of gestational age, birth weight, clinical severity by ventilatory index, sequential change of radiographic findings and radiological complications in RDS patients were performed.
: In RDS patients, there was correlation in the radiologic grading and clinical severit-y. In surfactant treated infants, change of chest radiographic finding was significantly improved than control group. Incidence of pneumothorax and or pulmonary interstial emphysema in S-Tx group was less than that of control group.
: Exogenous pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy may contribute the im-provement of the clinical and radiological severity and reduction of the incidence of clinical co-mplications. We suggest that surfactant replacement therapy is effective and important useful therapeutic method in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome.
Key Words: Respiratory distress syndrome, Surfactant replacement therapy, Radiographic findings

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