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Prophylactic Effect of Diazepam to Prevent Recurrent Febrile Seiz

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1995;38(5):685-691.
Published online May 15, 1995.
Prophylactic Effect of Diazepam to Prevent Recurrent Febrile Seiz
Seung Eun Choi, Ki Sik Min, Jong Wan Kim, Kwang Nam Kim, Ki Yang Ryoo
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
열성 경련의 재발 방지를 위한 Diazepam의 효과
최승은, 민기식, 김종완, 김광남, 유기양
한림대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: The purpose of this study was to investigate efficacy of shortterm diazepam prophylaxis in recurrent febrile seizure.
: A total of 107 children admitted to the department of pediatrics, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Ballym University from 1 July 1991 to 31 December 1992, with their first or recurrent febrile seizures(one or two times), were entered in the study, regardless of age. In the study group, all parents were told to administer diazepam orally(0.6mg/kg/day, every 6hr) when the temperature was ≥37.5℃. In July 1993, the effect was assessed. The control group was consisted of 74 children with first or recurrent febrile seizures(one or two times) between 1 June 1989 and 30 November 1990.
: For the high risk study group the recurrent rate was 18.8%(3 of 16), for the control group it was 70.0%(7 of 10). Thus, the risk of recurrence was significantly lower in study group compared to control group. The recurrent rate was 8.3%(1 of 12) in the high risk study group and 70.0% in the control group.
: The present study shows that main effect of short-term diazepam prophylaxis at times of fever is to provide effective seizure prophylaxis in high risk group of recurrence.
Key Words: Febrile seizure, Recurrence, Diazepam

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