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A Survey about the Usage of Whole Cow's Milk and Commercial Baby Food in Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1996;39(8):1066-1075.
Published online August 15, 1996.
A Survey about the Usage of Whole Cow's Milk and Commercial Baby Food in Children
Jhoo Taek Lee, Kyung Hwan Oh, Jae Ock Park, Sang Mann Shin
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
영유아에서 생우유에 대한 인지도 및 시판 건조 이유식 이용 실태에 관한 연구
이주택, 오경환, 박재옥, 신상만
순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: The appropriate age and amount that whole cow's milk and commercial baby food can be introduced safely into the infant diet are unknown and remains an area of controversy. Early feeding of excessive amount of whole cow's milk has been associated with iron deficiency anemia and nutritional deficiency. We studied the present status and problems on the feedig of whole cow's milk and commercial baby food in children.
: This survey was done through questionnaire to the 541 out patients who visited Seoul, Chun An and Eum Sung Soon Chun Hyang University Hospitals during the period from Jun. 1994 to Fab. 1995.
: 1) Feeding patterns according to age of children : ① Infants were fed prepared milk(63.6%), human milk(16.2%), whole cow's milk(8.1%), commercial baby food(7.1%) and rice(5.0%) in the order of frequency. ② Children between 1 and 2 years of age were fed rice(37.1%), whole cow's milk (34.3%), prepared milk(17.1%), commercial baby food(7.4%) and human milk(4.0%) in the order of frequency. 2) Whole cow's milk feeding was started at 3 to 6 months of age in 11.5%, at 7 to 12 months of age in 59.6% and after 12months of age in 28.9%. 3) The daily feeding amounts of whole cow's milk was less than 500 ml in 48.2%, 500 to 999 ml in 36.2%, and more than 1000 ml in 15.6%. Suprisingly 49.7% of them were fed more than 500 ml a day. 4) About iron content in whole cow's milk, only 25.9% of mothers gave the correct answer. 5) 62.5% of mothers considered that whole cow's milk was the best food in infant period. 6) Only 19.1% of subjects used commercial baby food properly in method and amount.
: Whole cow's milk was introduced during early months of life and fed in excessive amount. There was a lack of maternal knowledge about iron content in whole cow's milk. The improper use of commercial baby food produced the numerous nutritional problems. Thus, we need education about whole cow's milk and commercial baby food to mothers.
Key Words: Whole cow's milk, Commercial baby food, Weaning

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