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Cytodiagnostic Urinalysis in the Differentiation of Leukocyturias of Children with Bacterial Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) from Those of Children without UTI

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1996;39(8):1122-1129.
Published online August 15, 1996.
Cytodiagnostic Urinalysis in the Differentiation of Leukocyturias of Children with Bacterial Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) from Those of Children without UTI
Il Soo Ha, Hae Il Cheong, Young Joon Hong, Jin Q Kim, Yong Choi
Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
소아에서 세균성 요로감염에 동반된 백혈구뇨와 비요로감염성 질환에 동반된 백혈구뇨의 감별진단에서 세포진단학적 요검사의 의의
하일수, 정해일, 홍영준, 김진규, 최용
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: Although routine urinalysis can detect leukocyturia, difficulties remain in differentiating subpopulations of leukocytes and various epithelial cells in urinary sediments. This study was performed to appreciate the value of cytodiagnostic urinalysis in the discrimination of leukocyturias of bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI) from those without UTI.
: Urine from 12 children with UTI (UTI group) and from 11 children without UTI (non-UTI group) were subjected to cytodiagnostics urinalysis. The number of cases presenting one or more cells of each type in 10 high power fields, and the mean cell numbers observed in a high power field were compared between the two groups.
: Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) appeared in all cases of the UTI group and in 55% of the non-UTI group, whereas renal tubular epithelial cells were detected in none of the UTI group and 55% of the non-UTI group. In the UTI group, more number of total cells, total WBCs, PMNs and less renal tubular epithelial cells were observed compared to the non-UTI group.
: Identification and measurement of the number of PMNs and the renal tubular epithelial cells by cytodiagnostic urinalysis can aid in the discrimination of leukocyturias of children with UTI from those without it.
Key Words: Cytodiagnostic urinalysis, Leukocyturia, Urinary tract infection (UTI), Children, Urinary sediment

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