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A Case of Spontaneouse Hemothorax Associated with a Posterior Mediastinal Endodermal Sinus Tumor in a Female Patient

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1997;40(10):1465-1469.
Published online October 15, 1997.
A Case of Spontaneouse Hemothorax Associated with a Posterior Mediastinal Endodermal Sinus Tumor in a Female Patient
Eui Seok Park1, Il Tae Hwang1, Ghee Young Jung1, Du Bong Lee1, Young Sook Han2, Hyo Seon Choi3, Mi Kyeong Ji4
1Department of Pediatrics, St. Francisco`s General Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Thoracic Surgery, St. Francisco`s General Hospital, Seoul, Korea
3Department of Radiology, St. Francisco`s General Hospital, Seoul, Korea
4Department of Anatomical Pathology, St. Francisco`s General Hospital, Seoul, Korea
혈흉을 동반한 후종격동의 내배엽동종 1례
박의석1, 황일태1, 정귀영1, 이두봉1, 한영숙2, 최효선3, 지미경4
1방지거 병원 소아과
2방지거 병원 흉부외과
3방지거 병원 방사선과
4방지거 병원 해부병리과
Primary endodermal sinus tumor(yolk sac tumor) of the mediastinum is rare. Most patients are young and male, and the great majority of tumors are found in the anterior mediastinum, and spontaneous hemothorax is a rare presentation of intrathoracic tumors. We report a case of spontaneous hemothorax associated with a posterior mediastinal endoderml sinus tumor occuring in a female patient. Brief review and related literatures were also presented.
Key Words: Posterior mediastinal endodermal sinus tumor, Spontaneous hemothorax

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