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Humoral and Cell Mediated Immune Response After Immunization with Varicella Vaccine(Oka/LG)

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(2):170-178.
Published online February 15, 1998.
Humoral and Cell Mediated Immune Response After Immunization with Varicella Vaccine(Oka/LG)
Young Mo Sohn, Hye Ok Roh, Mi Lim Goo, Bok Ryeon Park, Joo Hong Park, Gook Jin Lim
Department of Pediatrics, Yongdong Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
수두 백신(Oka/LG) 접종 후 체액성 면역 반응과 세포 매개성 면역 반응에 대한 연구
손영모, 노혜옥, 구미림, 박복련, 박주홍, 임국진
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Young Mo Sohn, Email: 1
: We evaluated the humoral and cellular immune response to varicella-zoster virus after vaccination with varicella vaccine(Oka/LG strain).
: The seroprevalence rate of fluorescent antibody to membrane antigen(FAMA) was evaluated among 178 children and 15 adults. After vaccination, seroconversion rate of FAMA, varicella-zoster virus(VZV) specific IgG and cell mediated immune response to glycoprotein Ⅰwas performed.
: The seropositive rate of FAMA against VZV in healthy children ages 3 to 6 was 43.1%. A past history of chickenpox illness was confirmed in 15.2% of children who had positive response in FAMA assay in 90.9%. 34.5% of those without a past history of chickenpox had antibodis. The seropositive rate in children vaccinated with varicella vaccine in the past was found to be 46.3% in questionnaire and 44.4% in immunization schedule, lower than that of other studies(greater than 90%). The seroconversion rates in children vaccinated with the Oka/LG were 97.1% with 2,500pfu and 100.0% with 5,000pfu. Antibodies appearing after the Oka/LG vaccination were found to have glycoprotein I zone confirmed by western blotting. The rate of cell mediated immune response was 88.2% in children and 100.0% in adults.
: Further investigation about the effect of the various varicella vaccines used in Korea and about the cause of their immunzation failure after vaccination is needed.
Key Words: Varicella-zoster virus, Vaccination, Immune response

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