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A Case of Pulmonary Lymphangiectasis

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(5):715-718.
Published online May 15, 1998.
A Case of Pulmonary Lymphangiectasis
Cheol-Hong Kim, Seong-Hoon Kim, Soo-Eun Park, Jae-Hong Park
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea
폐 림프관 확장증 1례
김철홍, 김성훈, 박수은, 박재홍
부산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Pulmonary lymphangiectasis is relatively a rare disorder. This disorder can be divided into three groups. First, pulmonary abnormality is associated with lymphangiectasia in other viscera(especilly intestine) and extremities. In the second group, patients have a concomitant cardiac anomaly, which appears to be associated with obstructed pulmonary venous return. The third group comprises of patients whose lymphangicetasia is not associated with cardiac anomalies. This form is thought to result from abnormal development of the lung. In this case, a 6-year-old male who was previously diagnosed as lymphedema of extremities and intestinal lymphangiectasis, suffered from coughing and dyspnea repeatedly. High resolution computed tomography showed thickening of bronchovascular bundle and interlobular septa, pneumonic consolidation and pleural effusion. These findings were compatible with pulmonary lymphangiectasis. We report a case of pulmonary lymphangiectasis with brief review of literatures.
Key Words: Pulmonary lymphangiectasis

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