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C-Reactive Protein and Duration of Antibiotic Therapy in Neonatal Bacterial Infection

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(7):901-908.
Published online July 15, 1998.
C-Reactive Protein and Duration of Antibiotic Therapy in Neonatal Bacterial Infection
Jae Il Yoo, Jin Hwa Jeong, Jeong Ho Lee, Jong Dae Cho
Department of Pediatrics, Maryknoll Hospital, Pusan, Korea
신생아 감염에서 C-Reactive Protein과 항생제 투여 기간과의 관계
유재일, 정진화, 이정호, 조종대
부산 메리놀병원 소아과
Jae Il Yoo, Email: 1
: To determine whether C-reactive protein(CRP) can be used as a parameter to assess the safety of discontinuing antibiotic therapy and allows a shorter course of therapy in neonates treated for suspected bacterial infection.
: We have experienced 193 cases of suspected neonatal bacterial infection at Pusan Maryknoll Hospital. CRP levels were measured daily by immunonephelometry. Infants with initial CRP levels less than 0.8mg/dL were considered unlikely to be infected, and antibiotic therapy was stopped(group A; n=82). If three daily serial CRP levels were less than 0.8mg/dL, antibiotics were discontinued(group B; n=51). Sixty cases were treated for at least 7 days irrespective of CRP results(group C; n=60), and relapse rates of bacterial infection were compared between the three groups within one month after discharge.
: Within the one month follow-up period, two infants(2.4%) in group A, one infant(1.3%) in group B, two infants(3.3%) in group C received antibiotics for possible relapse of bacterial infection. The relapse rate in these groups was very low and frequency of a second course of antibiotic therapy between these groups was not different.
: These data allow considerably shorter courses of antibiotic therapy, safe discontinuation by three serial CRP measurement and show that CRP can be a key parameter for guiding the duration of antibiotic treatment. In addition, it would cut the length and cost of hospital stays and diminish the side effects of parenteral antibiotics.
Key Words: C-reactive protein, Neonatal bacterial infection

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