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A Clinical Study on Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infections by Adenovirus in Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(8):1070-1077.
Published online August 15, 1998.
A Clinical Study on Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infections by Adenovirus in Children
Ui Chong Chong1, Mi Ran Kim1, Dug Ha Kim1, Hae Ran Lee1, Chong Young Park1, Han Sung Kim2, Kyu Man Lee2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Clinical Pathology, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
소아에서 아데노바이러스 하기도 감염에 대한 임상 연구
정의정1, 김미란1, 김덕하1, 이혜란1, 박종영1, 김한성2, 이규만2
1한림대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2한림대학교 의과대학 임상병리학교실
Ui Chong Chong, Email: 1
: This study was performed to characterize the epidemiologic and clinical features of acute adenoviral lower respiratory tract infections.
: Culture and indirect immunofluorescence for adenovirus was done with nasopharyngeal aspirates from patients with acute lower respiratory tract infections from April to September, 1996. Cultured virus was serotyped for type 3, 4, and 7a by neutralization test, and medical records were reviewed.
: Adenovirus was isolated from 29 of 187(15.5%) patients. Monthly distribution from May to September, 1996 was 4, 17, 7, 0, and 1 case, respectively. Seventeen out of 18 cases serotyped (94.4%) were type 7. Male to female ratio was 21:8 and ranged in age from 1 month to 8 years with a mean of 22.6¡¾22.5 months. Clinical diagnosis was pneumonia in 18, tracheobronchitis in 6, and bronchiolitis in 4 cases. The main clinical features were cough(100%), sputum(100%), fever (89%), pharyngeal injection(85%), increased ESR(76%) and CRP(64%), and leukocytosis(59%). Radiologic findings of chest, included consolidation(40.7%), parahilar peribronchial infiltration(22.2 %), pleural effusion(7.4%), and hyperaeration(3.7%). The mean duration of admission was 8.9¡¾5.1 days and all the patients showed favorable clinical outcome without acute respiratory distress syndrome.
: There was a respiratory epidemic by adenovirus between May and July, 1996, and 17 out of 18 cases serotyped was type 7. All of the 29 patients with acute adenoviral lower respiratory tract infections improved without significant complication.
Key Words: Adenovirus, Acute lower respiratory tract infection, Children

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