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A Case of Septic Pulmonary Embolism in Neonate

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(9):1304-1308.
Published online September 15, 1998.
A Case of Septic Pulmonary Embolism in Neonate
Sang Hee Lee1, In Hoon Lee1, Jin Kuk Kim1, Byung Do Nam1, Ju Seok Lee2, Jae Hong Park2
1Department of Pediatrics, Kwang Hye General Hospital, Pusan, Korea
2Department of Pediatrics, Pusan National University, College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea
신생아에서 발생한 패혈성 폐 색전증 1례
이상희1, 이인훈1, 김진국1, 남병도1, 이주석2, 박재홍2
1광혜병원 소아과
2부산대학병원 소아과학교실
Sang Hee Lee, Email: 1
Septic pulmonary embolization is an uncommon condition in which the clot or fibrin matrix, contaminated with micro-organisms, lodge in the pulmonary arterial tree, leading to infarction, suppuration and other complications. The septic emboli reach the lung from a variety of sources, including acute suppurative pelvic thrombophlebitis, infective endocarditis involving tricuspid and pulmonary valve, osteomyelitis, suppurative lesions of the neck, infected venous catheters or pacemaker wires and sepsis. Early clinical detection, along with prompt administration of broad- spectrum antibiotics, is an important factor in the prognosis of patients, but the initial clinical diagnosis is often difficult because of nonspecific findings in clinical and laboratory data. Recently, the characteristic appearance of septic emboli by chest computed tomography(CT) has been described, and chest CT is an important modality for confirming the presence of septic pulmonary emboli. We experienced a case of septic pulmonary embolism in a 14-day-old neonate with cough, fever dyspnea. Initial conventional chest radiogaphs revealed bilateral infilterate, but chest CT revealed the presence of multiple peripheral nodules, cavitation of nodules and a distinct vessel leading to a pulmonary nodule which is referred to as a feeding vessel sign, which diagnosis suggests. Coagulase negative staphylococcus was cultured in the blood stream and clinical and radiologic improvement was achieved after adminstration of antibiotics.
Key Words: Septic Pulmonary embolism

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