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Survey on Parental Knowledge about Febrile Convulsion

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(11):1559-1564.
Published online November 15, 1998.
Survey on Parental Knowledge about Febrile Convulsion
Sung Koo Kim, Young Jun Kim, Phil Soo Oh, Young Ah Lee, Ha Joo Choi, Hae Sun Yoon
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
열성 경련에 관한 인지도 조사
김성구, 김영준, 오필수, 이영아, 최하주, 윤혜선
한림대학교 의과대학 강남성심병원 소아과
Sung Koo Kim, Email: 1
: We surveyed parental knowlege about febrile convulsion in order to reduce unnecessary use of diagnostic method and management, and to use as an educational guideline.
: The survey composed of four items : etiology, diagnosis and treatment, prognosis, and method management at home. The rate of correct answers on the total questionnaire, and each questionnaires was compared to the febrile convulsion group(FCG) and control group(CG), to a group that had one episode of febrile convulsion and two and more episodes. The questionnaire about method management was compared to FCG and CG.
: Comparisons done on the general profiles between FCG and CG showed no singnificant difference statistically. The rate of correct answers on the total questionnaire is 30.6% in FCG and 21.2% in CG. The rate of correct answers on the total questionnaire is 29.0% in the group that had one episode of febrile convulsion, and 33.0% in two and more episodes. Comparing the method management between FCG and CG, cold massage and acupuncture were higher in FCG, statistically.
: The rate of correct answers showed no significant difference between FCG and CG, and was very low in both groups. There is also no difference in the rate of correct answers. Parental knowledge about proper management before they go to the hospital is insufficient. Therefore, we need to establish an educational program on febrile convulsion in order to reduce the use of unnecessary diagnostic method and inappropriate management.
Key Words: Parental knowledge, Febrile convulsion

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