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A Case of Distal Ulcerative Colitis Improved by Budesonide Enemas

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(11):1610-1613.
Published online November 15, 1998.
A Case of Distal Ulcerative Colitis Improved by Budesonide Enemas
Yong Joo Kim, Kwang Seung Shin, Nam Su Kim, Hahng Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Budesonide 관장요법으로 관해된 소아 원위부 궤양성 대장염 1례
김용주, 신광승, 김남수, 이항
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Yong Joo Kim, Email: 1
A ten-year-old boy presented with chronic diarrhea and rectal bleeding was studied. Colonoscopic and pathologic diagnosis was distal ulcerative colitis in the sigmoid colon and rectum. Budesonide retention enema(2mg/100ml) was performed every night for 8 weeks. His clinical symptoms, the follow-up colonoscopic and pathologic findings improved in the third week of treatment. His weight did not change and Cushing syndrome did not developed until the completion of budesonide therapy.
Key Words: Ulcerative colitis, Budesonide enema

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