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The Utility of Serum Prealbumin Concentrations for Short-term Nutritional Assessment in Patients with Acute Diarrhea

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1999;42(1):88-93.
Published online January 15, 1999.
The Utility of Serum Prealbumin Concentrations for Short-term Nutritional Assessment in Patients with Acute Diarrhea
Kyoung Ah Lim, Hae Soon Kim, Jeong Wan Seo, Seung Joo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
급성 설사환아의 단기 영양지표로서 혈청 Prealbumin 농도의 유용성
임경아, 김혜순, 서정완, 이승주
이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: To evaluate the usefulness of serum prealbumin concentration for the nutritional assessment of acute diarrhea.
: From February 1997 to August 1997, ninety patients with acute diarrhea(age, 4-24 months) were randomly assigned into two groups on the basis of their intakes for 2 days prior to admission : liquid diet group(N=56, clear liquid and/or oral electrolyte solutions), and formula and soft diet group(N=34). Serum prealbumin concentrations were measured by rate nephelometric microassay.
: Serum prealbumin concentration in the liquid diet group with acute diarrhea was 13.1¡¾4.5mg/dL which was significantly lower than 15.5¡¾5.0mg/dL of the formula and soft diet group (P<0.05) and 17.0¡¾4.0mg/dL of the control group(P<0.05). Serum prealbumin concentration was less influenced by dehydration than serum albumin concentration. The duration of diarrhea and admission were not significantly shorter in the liquid diet group than in the formula and soft diet group.
: Serum prealbumin concentrations in patients with acute diarrhea reflected their current nutritional status and was less influenced by dehydration than serum albumin concentrations. Serum prealbumin concentration might be used to monitor short-term nutritional deprivation and the adequacy of dietary supply.
Key Words: Serum prealbumin, Acute diarrhea, Short-term nutritional assessment

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