Treatment of Pulmonary Atresia, Ventricular Septal Defect and Diminutive Pulmonary Arteries Comparing First Palliative Management Schemes |
Jean Yoon1, In Seung Park1, Soo Jin Kim1, Mi Young Han1, Do Jun Cho1, Eun Jung Bae1, Young Tak Lee2, Seong Ho Kim1 |
1Department of Pediatrics, Sejong General Hospital, Pucheon, Korea 2Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Sejong General Hospital, Pucheon, Korea |
극소 폐동맥을 갖는 심실 중격 결손을 동반한 폐동맥 폐쇄 환자의 초기 고식적 수술 방법에 따른 치료 성적 |
윤진1, 박인승1, 김수진1, 한미영1, 조도준1, 배은정1, 이영탁2, 김성호1 |
1부천세종병원 소아과 2부천세종병원 흉부외과 |
Seong Ho Kim, Email: 1 |
Abstract |
Purpose : This report reviews an 8-year treatment of pulmonary atresia, ventricular septal defect and diminutive pulmonary arteries, comparing first palliative management schemes.
Methods : Between January 1989 and March 1997, patients had their pulmonary artery anatomy evaluated before any surgical managements. Twenty-two patients had diminutive pulmonary arteries(Nakata index<90). Clinical records, hemodynamic data, and cineangiograms were examined in these patients.
Results : The median age of patients were 14 months and the mean Nakata index were 54.7±18.2(24.3-88.9). The cases were classified into 3 different groups according to different first palliative strategies. Group Ⅰ(n=18) was treated by a right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction. Group Ⅱ(n=2) was treated by unifocalization and Blalock-Taussig shunt, and Group Ⅲ(n=2) by a central shunt. The mean Nakata index of Group Ⅰ was 68.0±29.6 and Group Ⅱ and Ⅲ showed 71.9±13.1 and 41.0±13.1, respectively. The total correction was performed in 14 cases (77.8%) of Group Ⅰ and in 1 case (50%) of Group Ⅱ. Group Ⅰhad 3 deaths. Coil embolization was performed in 6 cases before total correction, and balloon angioplasty was performed in 3 and 5 cases, before and after the total correction, respectively. After total correction, the peak systolic pressure ratio of the right ventricle to the aorta was 0.80±0.08 in 11 cases. 5 cases of those indicated that balloon angioplasty reduced the ratio from 0.89 to 0.78.
Conclusion : These results of first palliative surgery on the right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction compared favorably with previous reports of disease's history and survival after complete repair. |
Key Words:
Pulmonary atresia and Ventricular septal defect, Right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction, Interventional catheterization |