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The Seoul Infant Developmental Screening Test

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2000;43(3):335-343.
Published online March 15, 2000.
The Seoul Infant Developmental Screening Test
Keun Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
서울 영유아 발달선별검사
이화대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: The importance of early detection of developmental delays during infancy and preschool years has been repeatedly stressed, as early diagnosis of retardation increases the opportunities for effective therapy. Several screening tests developed in other countries are inappropriate for Korean children. The purpose of this study was to standardize a developmental screening method for Korean children.
: One hundred and forty-four test items were selected and tested on 1,021 children in Seoul, aged 2 weeks to 4 years. Ages at which 25, 50, 75% and 90% of children pass each test were calculated, and using these data, the Seoul Infant Developmental Screening Test was constructed.
: Among 144 tests, 141 were selected for the test. There was little difference between boys and girls until the age of 1 year. After 1 year, boys advanced in motor development, while girls exceeded boys in language and social-adaptive sector of development. There was no difference according to fathers' occupations or mothers' educational levels.
: The Seoul Infant Developmental Screening Test was standardized on Korean children and can be used as a screening tool. The reliability and validity of the test should be further tested on normal children as well as children with developmental delays in the future.
Key Words: Seoul infant developmental screening test, 0-4 years

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