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Immune Response to SA14-14-2 Live Attenuated Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2000;43(3):351-359.
Published online March 15, 2000.
Immune Response to SA14-14-2 Live Attenuated Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
Min Soo Park1, Hye Ok Rho1, Young Mo Sohn1, Laura Chandler2, Robert Shope2, Theodore F. Tsai3
1Deptpartment of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA,
3Division of Vectorborne Infectious Diseases, Center for Disease, Control and Prevention, Ft. Collins, CO, USA
SA14-14-2주 일본뇌염 약독화 생백신의 면역반응에 대한 연구
박민수1, 노혜옥1, 손영모1, Laura Chandler2, Robert Shope2, Theodore F. Tsai3
1연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA,
3Division of Vectorborne Infectious Diseases, Center for Disease, Control and Prevention, Ft. Collins, CO, USA
Young Mo Sohn, Email: youngmo@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
: SA14-14-2 live attenuated Japanese encephalitis(JE) vaccine has been administered safely and effectively to more than 100 million children in China since 1988, and recently licensure of the vaccine in Korea has been sought. Immune response to the vaccine was investigated.
: In the first clinical evaluation of the vaccine outside of China, we monitored side effects in 93 children and evaluated plaque reduction neutralizing test(PRNT) antibody and IgM antibody responses to a single dose given as primary JE vaccination in 74 children, 1-3 years old (mean age 27 months).
: No significant adverse events were noted. PRNT antibodies(geometric mean titer [GMT] of 183) were produced in 96% of the 74 subjects. In 10 other children who previously had been immunized with two or three doses of inactivated JE vaccine, the booster administration of SA14-14-2 vaccine produced an anamnestic response in all, with a GMT of 3378. In a comparison group of 25 children previously immunized with two doses of inactivated vaccine, neutralizing antibody titers were detected in 16(64%). Viral specific IgM was detected in nine primary vaccinees(13%) but in others, IgM may have declined to undetectable levels in the four week postimmunization sample.
: Live attenuated SA14-14-2 JE vaccine is a promising alternative to the only commercially available live attenuated JE vaccine for national childhood immunization programs in Asia.
Key Words: Japanese encephalitis vaccine, Live attenuated SA14-14-2 vaccine, Inactivated Nakayama vaccine, Neutralizing antibody

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