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Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Obese Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2001;44(5):493-500.
Published online May 15, 2001.
Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Obese Children
Su Jin Cho, Se Jin Park, Il Tae Hwang, Young Mi Hong
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
비만아에서 심혈관 질환 발생 위험인자에 대한 연구
조수진, 박세진, 황일태, 홍영미
이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: Obesity is known to be associated with complications such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance. The importance of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia have been emphasized in obesity. Homocysteine is an emerging important risk factor for cardiovascular disease in adult, but there are less reports about homocysteine in children. Several risk factors such as blood pressure, lipid profiles, serum insulin, and homocysteine were analyzed in obese children.
: 130 obese and 1801 non-obese children were examined and body mass index(BMI) was calculated from their height and weight. Bioelectrical impedence was measured with Inbody 2.0 for estimation of fat mass. Serum lipid levels(total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol), insulin, and homocysteine levels were measured. Blood pressure was taken with an oscillometric sphyngmomanometer.
: Fat mass was increased with the increase of BMI. Systolic blood pressure, triglyceride, and insulin were significantly correlated with the severity of obesity. The serum homocysteine level was not significantly different in obese children.
: Systolic blood pressure, insulin, and triglyceride may be risk factors for cardiovascular disease in obese children. The serum homocysteine level did not show a significant difference between normal and obese children. Further prospective study will be necessary to prevent cardiovascular disease in obese adults.
Key Words: Obesity, Insulin, Homocysteine

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