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A Case of Gastric Perforation Presenting with Secondary Localized Peritonitis Due to Bamboo in Stomach

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2001;44(7):837-840.
Published online July 15, 2001.
A Case of Gastric Perforation Presenting with Secondary Localized Peritonitis Due to Bamboo in Stomach
Ji Hyoun Seo, Ji Young Hwang, Ki Su Kang, Chan-Hoo Park, Hyang-Ok Woo, Myoung Bum Choi, Hee-Shang Youn
Departments of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju, Korea
국소적 복막염으로 발현한 대나무 가지에 의한 위천공 1례
서지현, 황지영, 강기수, 박찬후, 우향옥, 최명범, 윤희상
경상대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Perforation after foreign body ingestion is rare. We report a 25-month-old girl who was diagnosed with a stomach perforation with secondary localized peritonitis caused by long, sharp bamboo. On admission, she had abdominal pain and fever. Simple abdominal erect & supine X-ray, abdominal ultrasonogram and computed tomography scan were normal. On the 6 th hospital day, gastrofiberoscopy was performed because a sharp mass was palpated by doctor on abdominal examination. Endoscopic findings revealed a 8 cm-long sharp bamboo tip was pierced to the posterior wall of antrum. This foreign body was removed with Olympus FG-8L alligator forcep. She was managed with NPO and prompt intravenous antibiotics and discharged with clinical improvement.
Key Words: Gastric perforation, Foreign body, Secondary peritonitis, Gastrofiberoscopy

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