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A Case of Scrotal Abscess Associated with Gastroenteritis and Sepsis due to Salmonella Group D in a One Month Old Infant

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2003;46(6):602-605.
Published online June 15, 2003.
A Case of Scrotal Abscess Associated with Gastroenteritis and Sepsis due to Salmonella Group D in a One Month Old Infant
You Sun Choi1, Yoon Suk Jung1, Sun Il Kim2, Sung Hee Oh1
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
1개월된 소아에서의 Salmonella Group D에 의한 장염 및 패혈증이 동반된 음낭내 농양 1례
최유선1, 정윤숙1, 김선일2, 오성희1
1한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2한양대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실
Sung Hee Oh, Email: sungheeo@email.hanyang.ac.kr
Acute gastroenteritis due to Salmonella species, which usually improves on conservative treatment, can progress to sepsis and extraintestinal focal infection in very young infants. Frequent sites for extraintestinal infections are meninges, bone, joints, spleen and intravascular sites but scrotal abscess due to salmonella in children has been very rare. Literature search revealed only one newborn case of scrotal abscess with bacteremia due to salmonella group D which developed after circumcision. We, herein, report a 42 day old infant who initally presented with diarrhea that progressed to sepsis and scrotal abscess. Despite the use of susceptible antibiotics, the patient improved only after surgical drainage.
Key Words: Scrotal abscess, Salmonella group D, Infant

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