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A Questionnaire on Using Informed Consents of Parents or Guardians in Vaccination of Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2003;46(7):647-654.
Published online July 15, 2003.
A Questionnaire on Using Informed Consents of Parents or Guardians in Vaccination of Children
Seung-Hi Paik1, Eun Hee Chung1, Mie Ryung Uhm1, Son Moon Shin1, Woo Gill Lee1, Mi Na Lee1, Hoan Jong Lee2
1Department of Pediatrics, Samsung Cheil Hospital, College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
소아 예방접종시 예진표(동의서) 사용에 관한 보호자 설문조사
백승희1, 정은희1, 엄미령1, 신손문1, 이우길1, 이미나1, 이환종2
1성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성제일병원 소아과
2서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Eun Hee Chung, Email: domini0@unitel.co.kr
: This study was done to evaluate the parents' or guardians' compliance of obtaining individual informed consent before vaccination and the possible problems of using informed consent.
: One hundred and twelve children were randomly selected among 2,820 children who visited Samsung Cheil Hospital during July 2002. A questionnaire about using informed consent of vaccination was given to all parents or guardians of these children.
: Most of the responders were mothers(80.4%). As for the places of vaccination, 87(77.7%) persons vaccinated their children at general hospitals. In response to a request for informed consent of vaccination, 73(65.2%) complied well with requests every time. In subscribing to informed consent, 62(55.4%) were pleased, 40(35.7%) stated it was necessary despite in inconveniance. Because of dislike of subscribing to informed consent(55), 33(60%) persons stated that it was difficult to subscribe to informed consent during the inconveniant time of nursing baby. Eighty(71.4%) found it useful to read informed consent for an understanding of potential negative reactions. Being informed of potential negative reactions, 105(93.8%) stated that they would vaccinate their children despite of the potential of a worrisome negative reaction. In dealing with negative reaction, 77(68.8%) said that they would contact a hospital, 32(28.6%) said that they would care for their children at home. Eleven(9.8 %) experienced negative reactions after vaccination.
: Compliance of parents to informed consent was relatively good. Parents or guardians should receive relevant information and the aim of informed consent also should be adequately understood.
Key Words: Vaccination, Compliance, Informed consent

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