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A Case of Hemolytic Disease in a Newborn Due to Anti-Jkb

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2003;46(7):718-721.
Published online July 15, 2003.
A Case of Hemolytic Disease in a Newborn Due to Anti-Jkb
Dong-Kyun Park1, Young-Min Kim1, Chong-Woo Bae1, Yong-Mook Choi1, Woo-In Lee2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea
Anti-Kidd(Jkb) 항체 부적합증에 의한 신생아 용혈성 질환 1례
박동균1, 김영민1, 배종우1, 최용묵1, 이우인2
1경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2경희대학교 의과대학 진단검사의학교실
Chong-Woo Bae, Email: baecwkmc@zaigen.co.kr
The isoimmune hemolytic disease of newborn due to the incompatibility of minor blood groups is characterized by progressive neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and anemia caused by the IgG antibody transmitted from the mother to the fetus. Recently we had a case of hemolytic disease in a newborn due to anti-Jkb. There were no ABO and Rh(D) incompatibilities between mother and baby. The infant's direct and indirect antiglobulin tests were strongly positive. From the mother and baby, an irregular antibody was found and identified as anti-Jkb. Generally, hemolytic disease of the newborn resulting from anti-Jkb incompatibility has a benign clinical course and a good prognosis. This patient completely recovered without exchange transfusion. We report this case with a brief review of relevant literature.
Key Words: Hemolytic disease of newborn, Iso-immunization, Anti-Jkb

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