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Cognitive Dysfunction in Children

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2004;47(4):351-354.
Published online April 15, 2004.
Cognitive Dysfunction in Children
Eun Sook Suh
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Seoul, Korea
소아의 인지 발달 장애
순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Eun Sook Suh, Email: essuh@hosp.sch.ac.kr
Cognition is a broad term that include a range of abilities such as memory, perception, attention, organization, planning, problem solving abilities and the perception of another person's unconscious motivation. Cognitive dysfunction is an abnormality of the central nervous system, manifest during the developmental period, which result significant life long impairment. The neurologic assessment of the delayed or retarded child emphasizes the several points of practice : the accurate diagnosis of type of dysfunction : assessment of underlying etiology : and refferal to proper appropriate rehabilitation and support services coupled with ongoing management of physical and psychosocial needs. I describe the mental retardation, speech and language disorders and learning disabilities include ADHD.
Key Words: Cognitive dysfuncion, Mental retardation, Speech and language disorder, Learning disabilities

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