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The Effect of Parenteral Nutrition and Respiratory Distress Syndrome in the Early Neonatal Period on Bone Mineralization at the Time of Reaching 2 kg Body Weight in Premature Infants

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2004;47(4):368-372.
Published online April 15, 2004.
The Effect of Parenteral Nutrition and Respiratory Distress Syndrome in the Early Neonatal Period on Bone Mineralization at the Time of Reaching 2 kg Body Weight in Premature Infants
Yun-Jin Lee, Su-Eun Park, Jae-Hong Park
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea
호흡곤란 증후군이 있는 미숙아에서 출생초기 비경구 영양이 체중 2 kg 도달시 골무기질화에 미치는 영향
이윤진, 박수은, 박재홍
부산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Jae-Hong Park, Email: jhongpark@pusan.ac.kr
: To evaluate the effect of parenteral nutrition in early neonatal period on bone mineralization at the time of reaching 2 kg body weight in premature infants, bone mineral density(BMD) in infants who received long-term parenteral nutrition in the early neonatal period was measured and compared with infants who received enteral nutrition only.
: Twenty low birth weight infants(those weighing 2 kg or less) were investigated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of Pusan National University Hospital between May 2000 and April 2001. Twelve infants received oral nutrition with preterm formula after birth(group A). Eight infants were supported with parenteral nutrition and intensive management in the early neonatal period due to respiratory distress syndrome and after a while they were also fed with preterm formula(group B). We measured the BMD of the whole body of all 20 infants using at the time reaching 2 kg body weight.
: The mean value of the BMD of total infants was 0.610?.003 g/cm2. The BMD of group A and B was 0.615?.002 g/cm2 and 0.603?.006 g/cm2, respectively. There was no significant differences in the BMD between the two groups.
: Low birth weight infants who received appropriate nutritional supports such as total parenteral nutrition and preterm formula could achieve a catch-up in bone mineralization compared with the infants who were fed with preterm formula only and who had similar postconceptional age and weight.
Key Words: Low birth weight infants, Bone mineralization, Parenteral nutrition

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