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Applicability of the "Questionnaire on Risk Factors Associated with Obesity in Adolescents" in School-Based Screening to Prevent Life Style Disease as a Result of Complicated Adolescent Obesity

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2004;47(12):1266-1272.
Published online December 15, 2004.
Applicability of the "Questionnaire on Risk Factors Associated with Obesity in Adolescents" in School-Based Screening to Prevent Life Style Disease as a Result of Complicated Adolescent Obesity
Yoon Hee Shim1, Ji Young Kim1, Soo Jeung Lee1, Su Jin Cho1, Whaan Kuck Yeong2, Young Mi Hong1
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
2School Health Center in Seoul, Seoul, Korea
비만의 합병증으로 인한 생활습관병 예방을 위한 학교 검진 관리 채점표의 유용성
심윤희1, 김지영1, 이수정1, 조수진1, 용환극2, 홍영미1
1이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2서울시 학교보건원
Young Mi Hong, Email: hongym@chollian.net
The prevalence of obesity and complications related to obesity among Korean adolescents were reviewed. To prevent obesity related complications in adolescents, the applicability of the "Questionnaire on risk factors associated with obesity in adolescents" as an assessment and management guideline was evaluated.
Weight, height, blood pressure and serum lipid and glucose level of 7,265 high school students in Seoul were investigated. Two-hundred ninety nine obese students submitted a self-reporting questionnaire, and the risk of developing obesity related complications was scored for each student according to the "Questionnaire on risk factors associated with obesity in adolescents".
Among the obese, those of moderate to severe degree were 83.6%. The average score on the questionaire was 4.0?.6, which might require any form of intervention. Of the 403 obese students of moderate to severe degree, those complicated with hypertension were 19.1%, with hyperlipidemia 46.6%, with liver dysfunction 97.5%, and those with family history of hypertension were 19.1 %. The recorded scores were significantly related with cardiovascular family history, serum lipid level, etc. Furthermore, as the body mass index(BMI) of the mother increased, the BMI of their child increased.
By recording this score on follow-up visits, it would be easy to intervene to prevent progression to the adulthood morbidity, and those with high scores can be referred to a specialist. Therefore, this "Questionnaire on risk factors associated with obesity in adolescents" is valuable to screen and prevent obesity related complications in adolescents.
Key Words: Obesity, Adolescents

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