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Prevalence of the Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese Children

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2005;48(1):13-20.
Published online January 15, 2005.
Prevalence of the Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese Children
Sung Woog Hwang, Duk Hee Kim, Ho Seong Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
소아 비만증에서 비알코올성 지방간염의 유병률
황성욱, 김덕희, 김호성
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Duk Hee Kim, Email: dhkim3@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
: Obesity is, along with metabolic syndrome, closely related with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. This study tried to evaluate the prevalence of nonalcoholic liver disease in obese children and verify the factors associated with the disease.
: Two hundred and seventy nine children who showed a body mass index of 95 percentile over the baseline in health examinations of surrounding schools were evaluated. Questionnaires, body measurements, blood examinations, and ultrasonographic measurements of abdominal fat were examined.
: Out of 279 children enrolled for the study, 27 children were found to possess nonalcoholic liver disease(9.7%). Among those found to be positive for nonalcoholic liver disease, it's prevalence increased to 15.2%(22 out of 144 children) among children with severe obesity. Factors known to be involved with metabolic syndrome, namely waist/hip circumference ratio and thickness of abdominal fat, were found to be closely related to nonalcoholic fatty liver as well.
: The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver in obese children was 9.7%, with higher incidence observable in severer obesity. Factors responsible for metabolic syndrome were closely associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and the level of insulin resistance, which is an useful index in both diseases, can be utilized in evaluation of the effect of treatment and control of risk factors.
Key Words: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Obesity, Insulin resistance

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