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The Efficacy of Nebulized 3 Percent Hypertonic Saline Solution and Fenoterol in Infants with Bronchiolitis

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2005;48(5):518-522.
Published online May 15, 2005.
The Efficacy of Nebulized 3 Percent Hypertonic Saline Solution and Fenoterol in Infants with Bronchiolitis
Joon Young Park, Young Mi Jeong, Soo Jin Jeong, Son Sang Seo
Department of Pediatrics, Il Sin Christian Hospital, Busan, Korea
영아 세기관지염에서 3% 고장성 식염액과 Fenoterol 병용흡입 치료의 효과
박준영, 정영미, 정수진, 서손상
일신기독병원 소아과
Son Sang Seo, Email: sss@ilsin.or.kr
: To evaluate the effect of inhaled hypertonic saline solution in hospitalized infants with bronchiolitis.
: A randomized double blind trial was performed from October 2003 to May 2004. A total of eighty patients <1 year of age with a clinical diagnosis of acute viral bronchiolitis were enrolled and assigned to receive either of the following : inhalation of 2 mL(0.5 mg) fenoterol added to 2 mL of 0.9 percent saline solution(group 1; n=40) or 2 mL(0.5 mg) fenoterol added to 2 mL of 3 percent saline solution(group 2; n=40). This therapy was repeated at six hours interval after admission. They were evaluated daily just before and 20 minutes after nebulization. The outcome measures included changes in clinical severity score(based on respiratory rate, presence of wheezing, retraction, and general condition) after nebulization and duration of hospitalization.
: In the clinical severity score, a significant improvement was observed during the 72 hours of hospitalization in both groups(P<0.05). The basic clinical severity scores before inhalation were decreased significantly faster in group 2 as compared to group 1 on each day of treatment(P<0.05). The mean duration of hospital stay was significantly reduced in group 2 than group 1(5.9?.9 days versus 7.4?.0 days, P<0.05). No adverse effects were associated with inhaled therapy.
: These results suggest that a nebulized 3 percent saline solution plus 0.5 mg fenoterol may be more effective than a 0.9 percent saline solution plus 0.5 mg fenoterol in accelerating the clinical recovery of infants with viral bronchiolitis.
Key Words: Bronchiolitis , Hypertonic saline solution , Fenoterol

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