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Investigation of Automated Neonatal Hearing Screening for Early Detection of Childhood Hearing Impairment

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2005;48(7):706-710.
Published online July 15, 2005.
Investigation of Automated Neonatal Hearing Screening for Early Detection of Childhood Hearing Impairment
Jeong Il Seo, Si Uk Yoo, Sung Hyeon Gong, Kwang Su Hwang, Hyeon Jung Lee, Joong Pyo Kim, Hyeon Choi, Bo Young Lee, Ji Sun Mok
Department of Pediatrics, Good Moonhwa Hospital, Busan, Korea
소아 난청의 조기진단을 위한 신생아 청력 선별검사에 대한 평가
서정일, 유시욱, 공승현, 황광수, 이현정, 김중표, 최현, 이보영, 목지선
좋은문화병원 소아과
Ji Sun Mok, Email: bara4726@naver.com
: Early diagnosis of congenital hearing loss through the neonatal hearing screening test minimizes language defect. This research intends to identify frequency of congenital hearing loss in infants through neonatal hearing screening test with the aim of communicating the importance of hearing test for infants.
: From May 20, 2003 to May 19, 2004, infants were subjected to Automated Auditory Brainstem Response test during one month of birth to conduct the test with 35 dB sound. Infants who passed the 1st round of hearing test, were classified into 'pass' group whereas those who did not were classified into 'refer' group. Infants who did not 'pass' in the hearing test conducted within one month of birth were subjected to re-test one month later, and if classified as 'refer' during the re-test, they were subjected to the diagnosis for validation of hearing loss by requesting test to the hearing loss clinic.
: There was no difference among the 'pass' and 'refer' group in terms of form of childbirth, weight at birth and gestational age. In the 1st test, total of 45 infants were classified into 'refer' group. Six among 35 who were subjected to re-test(17%) did not pass the re-test, and all were diagnosed with congenital hearing loss. This corresponds to 0.35%(3.5 per 1,000) among total number of 1,718 subjects.
: In our study the congenital hearing loss tends to be considerably more frequently than congenital metabolic disorder. Accordingly, newly born infants are strongly recommended to undergo neonatal hearing screening test.
Key Words: Neonatal hearing screening test , Atomated Auditory Brainstem Response

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