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Current Understanding and Practices of Breast feeding by Mothers

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2005;48(11):1162-1165.
Published online November 15, 2005.
Current Understanding and Practices of Breast feeding by Mothers
Eun Young Park, Su Jin Cho, Keun Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
모유수유에 대한 산모의 의식과 실천 현황
박은영, 조수진, 이근
이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Keun Lee, Email: leekeun@yahoo.com
: The objective of this survey was to develop an operational plan for breast feeding education. In order to comprehend current breast feeding patterns, we aimed to examine the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding breast feeding of mothers and to compare the data with a similar study done 6 years ago.
: A total of 127 mothers who delivered healthy babies at Ewha Womans University Dongdaemun Hospital were interviewed and asked to complete a survey on their perception of breast feeding during their postpartum stay in the hospital. A follow up phone interview was carried out at 1, 2 and 3 months after delivery and similar questions were asked.
: At the time of delivery, 96.1 percent of mothers planned to breast feed, including 73.2 percent of exclusive breast feeding and 22.8 percent of mixed feeding. The duration of breast feeding planned was mostly 7-12 months. Breast feeding had been recommended by family members. Between 1-3 months, exclusive breast feeding was maintained at least 50 percent but a large number of mothers who had practiced mixed feeding changed to formula feeding. This trend demonstrates an increase in the rate of breast feeding at 3 months compared to a similar study done in 1999. The main reasons for discontinuing breast feeding were insufficient amount of milk(35.0 percent) and return to work(27.5 percent).
: Breast feeding rate has increased in Korea since 1999 but failure to continue exclusive breast feeding still occurs mainly within the first month after delivery. Breast feeding education should focus on supportive care to mothers practicing mixed feeding.
Key Words: Breast feeding , Education

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