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Therapeutic Effect of Anti-Rotavirus Chicken Egg Yolk Immunoglobulin(IgY) on Diarrhea by Infection of Rotavirus

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2005;48(12):1354-1361.
Published online December 15, 2005.
Therapeutic Effect of Anti-Rotavirus Chicken Egg Yolk Immunoglobulin(IgY) on Diarrhea by Infection of Rotavirus
In Seok Lim1, Ho Seok Lee1, Wonyong Kim2, Eung Sang Choi1, Dong Hyuk Jung3, Hoo Kil Jung4, Sung Seob Yun4, Ho Nam Chun4
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chung Ang University
3Bioindist Co., Ltd., R&D Center, Seoul, Korea
4Maeil Dairy Industry Co., Ltd. , Seoul, Korea
로타바이러스 감염성 설사에 대한 항-로타바이러스 난황항체의 치료 효과
임인석1, 이호석1, 김원용2, 최응상1, 정동혁3, 정후길4, 윤승섭4, 전호남4
1중앙대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
In Seok Lim, Email: inseok@cau.ac.kr
: Rotavirus is an enteric pathogen that affects millions of children globally each year. But no specific therapy is available for the management of rotavirus diarrhea. Due to the clear need to define improved modality for treatment of rotavirus diarrhea, we evaluated the efficacy of anti- rotavirus IgY in the treatment of infants and children with gastroenteritis.
: First, the amount of viral particle in the stools of thirteen patients(seven were given IgY, 6 placebo) infected by rotavirus were evaluated for 3 days with the quantitative RT-PCR method. Second, 36 children with known rotavirus infection identified by ELISA or semi-quantitative RT- PCR were evaluated. We gave 5 g anti-rotavirus egg yolk daily in two equally divided doses for 3 days to two groups(an 18 IgY group and an 18 placebo group), respectively after parenteral consent. Daily vomiting frequency, stool frequency, oral intake and urine output were monitored for 3 days, and electrolyte and blood chemistry were checked at the first and third days.
: First, in the placebo group, the amount of virus particles increased daily, but in the IgY group it decreased daily. Second, when IgY and placebos were given to children infected with rotavirus, diarrhea on the third day decreased significantly in the IgY group, compared with the placebo group.
: Treatment with antirotavirus immunoglobulin from immunized chicken's egg resulted in a decrease in the amount of viral particles in stools and diarrhea frequency in children. These results suggest that anti-rotavirus IgY is effective in the treatment of rotavirus gastroenteritis.
Key Words: Immunoglobulin Y , Rotavirus , Diarrhea

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