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Genotype of rotavirus isolated from patients with rotaviral enteritis and neurological complications

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2006;49(5):513-518.
Published online May 15, 2006.
Genotype of rotavirus isolated from patients with rotaviral enteritis and neurological complications
Jae Hyung Choi1, Jung Mi Kim1, Yong Joo Kim1, Jae Won Oh1, Chang Lyul Kim1, Myung Kul Yum1, In Joon Sul1, Jung Oak Kang2
1Department of Pediatrics, Hospital of Han Yang University, Guri, Korea
2Department of Laboratory Medicine, Hospital of Han Yang University, Guri, Korea
신경학적 이상이 동반된 로타바이러스 위장관염 환아에서의 로타바이러스 유전형
최재형1, 김정미1, 김용주1, 오재원1, 김창렬1, 염명걸1, 설인준1, 강정옥2
1한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2한양대학교 의과대학 임상병리학교실
Myung Kul Yum, Email: hanyanng@hanyang.ac.kr
: This study was undertaken to determine the differences in genotypes of rotavirus and their incidence between patients with acute rotaviral enteritis who suffered neurologic complications and those who did not suffer neurologic complications.
: Among the 82 patients with rotaviral enteritis whose genotype was analyzed, 71 patients were not associated with neurologic complications(neurology(-) group), and eleven patients were associated with neurologic complications(neurology(+) group). Four G genotypes and four P genotypes were determined by reverse trans cription and multiplex polymerase chain reaction.
: In the neurology(-) group, the number of G4, G3, G2 and G1 was 24(35.3 percent), 23 (33.8 percent), 17(25.0 percent) and 4(5.6 percent), respectively and the number of P6, P4, P8 and P9 was 26(36.1 percent), 23(31.9 percent), 22(30.6 percent) and 1(1.4 percent), respectively. G2P4, and G4P6 were the most frequently found com bination genotypes, respectively. In the neurology(+) group, the number of G2, G3 and G4 was 9(75.0 percent), 2(16.7 percent) and 1(8.3 percent), respectively and the number of P4, P6, P8 and P9 was 8(66.7 percent), 2(16.7 percent), 1(8.3 percent) and 1(8.3 percent), respectively. G2P4 was the most frequently found combination genotype. The incidence of each of the G2, P4 and G2P4 was significantly higher in the neurology(+) group when compared to that of each of the G2, P4, and G2P4 in the neurology(-) group.
: In the patients with acute rotavirus gastroenteritis associated with neurologic complications, the G1 genotype was not found and genotypes of the G2, P4, and G2P4 were more frequently found.
Key Words: Rotavirus , G type , P type , Seizure , Encephalopathy , Neurologic abnormality

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