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Correlation of serum total hydroperoxide levels and diseases of prematurity

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2007;50(8):746-751.
Published online August 15, 2007.
Correlation of serum total hydroperoxide levels and diseases of prematurity
Shin-Hye Kim1, Hae Young Hur1, Kyu Hyoung Lee1, Ja Young Moon2, Kyu Young Chae1
1Department of Pediatrics, Pochon CHA University, Sungnam, Korea
2Department of Physical medicine and Rehabilitation, Pochon CHA University, Sungnam, Korea
미숙아 합병증 발생과 혈중 활성 산화물 농도와의 관계
김신혜1, 허혜영1, 이규형1, 문자영2, 채규영1
1포천중문 의과대학교 소아과학교실
2포천중문 의과대학교 재활의학과교실
Kyu Young Chae, Email: barnabas@cha.ac.kr
: Total hydroperoxide (TH), free radical-mediated oxidation product can be used as a measure of free radical injury. The aim of the present study was to see if preterm newborns are at increased risk for oxidative stress compared with term newborns, and to determine whether oxidative stress during postnatal first 1 week is associated with clinical outcomes in preterm infants.
: Serum TH levels of preterm infants (n=39) were compared with those of term infants (n=24) on the postnatal day 1. Among the preterm infants, serum TH levels of uncomplicated group (n=23) were also compared with those of complicated group (n=16) who developed oxygen radical related diseases on the postnatal day 1 and 7. Retrospective analysis was performed to find out risk factors for oxygen radical injuries based on birth history, laboratory data, neuroimaging findings and clinical progress in two preterm groups.
: Serum TH levels on postnatal day 1 were higher in the preterm infant group than the term infant group. Serum TH levels on postnatal day 1 in the complicated preterm infant group were significantly higher compared with uncomplicated group, but there was no significant difference in serum TH levels on postnatal day 7. Also, there was no significant difference in serum TH levels between uncomplicated preterm infants and term infants. Serum TH level on postnatal day 1 was independently associated with higher morbidity after adjusting for gestational age, Apgar score (5 min), arterial blood gas analysis.
: Complicated preterm newborns are at increased risk for oxidative stress compared with uncomplicated newborns and term newborns. Oxidative injury during the prenatal or postnatal day 1 is associated with adverse outcomes in preterm infants. Elevated TH levels on postnatal day 1 may have a value to predict clinical outcomes in preterm infants.
Key Words: Preterm, Oxygen radical disease, Total hydroperoxide

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