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Reference values for respiratory system impedance using impulse oscillometry in school-aged children in Korea

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2007;50(9):862-867.
Published online September 15, 2007.
Reference values for respiratory system impedance using impulse oscillometry in school-aged children in Korea
Young Sun Wee, Hyoung Yun Kim, Da Wun Jung, Hye Won Park, Yoon Ho Shin, Man Yong Han
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Pochon CHA University, Sungnam, Korea
학동기 소아에서 impulse oscillometry system로 측정한 폐기능 정상치
위영선, 김형윤, 정다운, 박혜원, 신윤호, 한만용
포천중문의과대학교 소아과학교실
Man Yong Han, Email: drmesh@gmail.com
: The impulse oscillometry (IOS) is applicable to young children because it requires minimal cooperation and a non-invasive method to measure the mechanics of respiratory system. This study aimed to develop the reference values in school-aged children in Korea, using IOS which is a modification of forced oscillation technique (FOT).
: Measurements were performed in 92 previously untrained healthy children, aged 7 to 12 years old, using IOS. We analyzed the relationships between the data about their age, height, weight, body surface area (BSA), body mass index (BMI) and the result of IOS using the linear regression test.
: The success rate of IOS was 92.4%. Stepwise multiple regression of resistance of respiratory system (Rrs) and reactance of respiratory system (Xrs) in natural form for age, height, weight, BSA, BMI showed that height was the most significant predictor and altogether of 5 variables explained the Rrs and Xrs most. Our regression equations at multiple frequencys were comparable to published reference values, especially about the Rrs obtained at 5 Hz.
: IOS is a feasible method to measure the respiratory resistance in untrained children. We got the reference values using IOS and it seems to be useful to diagnose a variety of respiratory diseases.
Key Words: Impulse oscillometry, Lung function test, Reference values, Child, Airway resistance

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