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Assessment of modifiable lifestyle factors for obese children and adolescents through questionnaires

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2008;51(6):576-583.
Published online June 15, 2008.
Assessment of modifiable lifestyle factors for obese children and adolescents through questionnaires
Jeong Wan Seo1, Ji A Jung2, Hye Sook Park3, Jae Sung Ko4, Yong Joo Kim5, Jae Young Kim6, Eell Ryoo7, Sun Hwan Bae8, Jae Geon Sim9, Hye Ran Yang4, Byung Ho Choe10, Ky Young Cho1
1The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Pediatrics, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine
2The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Pediatrics, Hallym University College of Medicine
3The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Preventive Medicine, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine
4The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University College of Medicine
5The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University College of Medicine
6The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Pediatrics, Chungnam National University College of Medicine
7The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Pediatrics, Gil Medical Center, Gachon Medical School
8The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Pediatrics, Konkuk University School of Medicine
9The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Kim, Sim & Cho's Pediatric Clinic
10The Committee on Nutrition, The Korean Pediatrics Society, Department of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine
소아청소년 비만상담에서 설문지를 이용한 중재 가능한 행동요인 탐색
서정완1, 정지아2, 박혜숙3, 고재성4, 김용주5, 김재영6, 류일7, 배선환8, 심재건9, 양혜란4, 최병호10, 조기영1
1대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 이화의대 소아과학교실
2대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 한림의대 소아과학교실
3대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 이화의대 예방의학교실
4대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 서울의대 소아과학교실
5대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 한양의대 소아과학교실
6대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 충남의대 소아과학교실
7대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 가천의대 소아과학교실
8대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 건국의대 소아과학교실
9대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 늘푸른소아청소년과
10대한소아과학회 영양위원회, 경북의대 소아과학교실
Jeong Wan Seo, Email: jwseo@ewha.ac.kr
: The identification of specific behaviors conducive to overeating or inactivity is the cornerstone of obesity management. The Committee on Nutrition of the Korean Pediatric Society developed parent and self-reporting questionnaires about eating behavior and physical activity in 2006. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the questionnaires in assessing modifiable lifestyle factors related to obesity.
: A retrospective chart review was performed for 177 children (6-11 years old) and 134 adolescents (12-16 years old) from 10 hospitals between May 2006 and January 2007 who had completed parent or self-reporting questionnaires. Cases were divided into normal and overweight groups at or above the age-gender-specific 85th percentile based on 2007 Korean national growth charts.
: Compared to children, the adolescents tended to have a significantly more sedentary lifestvle and inappropriate dietary behaviors significantly (P<.05). Overweight mothers were significantly associated with overweight children and adolescents (P<.05). Being overweight was significantly associated with a family history of adult diseases for children and adolescents (P<.05). Inappropriate eating behaviors (strong appetite, eating fast, eating until they were full, binge eating, favoring greasy foods) were associated with being overweight in children and adolescents. Sedentary activity such as TV viewing and using a computer were significantly associated with overweight in children and adolescents (P<.05).
: Intervention to modify obesity-related lifestyle factors is needed before adolescence. These questionnaires are useful in identifying modifiable lifestyle factors and in individual counseling for overweight children and adolescents in pediatric clinics.
Key Words: Obesity, Child, Adolescent, Questionnaire, Lifestyle

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