A case of incontinentia pigmenti. |
Kwang Ik Song, Hyo Jeong Kim, Jin Bok Hwang, Chang Ho Han, Hye Li Chung, Young Dae Kwon |
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Hospital, Taegu, Korea |
색소실조증 1 례 |
송광익, 김효정, 황진복, 한창호, 정혜리, 권영대 |
대구 카톨릭병원 소아과 |
Received: 7 May 1991 • Accepted: 10 July 1991 |
Abstract |
A case of incontinentia pigmenti, Bloch-Sulzberger type, without any developmental defect has
been presented with the review of related literatures.
The patient was a 4 day-old female infant with irregular, grouped vesicobullous lesions on the
whole body, especially on the trunk and extremities since birth.
No familial traits was noted.
Diagnosis was made by the charateristic clinical, labaratory and histopathologic findings. |
Key Words:
Incontinentia Pigmenti, Bloch-Sulzberger type |