An epidemiologic study of measles among hospitalized pediatric patients. |
Sung Lae Park, Jae Won Oh, Sung Hee Oh, Hahng Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
입원환아 조사에 의한 홍역유행의 실태조사* |
박성래, 오재원, 오성희, 이항 |
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Received: 12 March 1991 • Accepted: 18 June 1991 |
Abstract |
A clinical study was performed on 197 cases of measles that were admitted to the department
pediatrics of Hanyang University Hospital during the period of 5 years from Aug. 1985 to Jul. 1990.
The patients with measles were classified as preventable or nonpreventable.
We obtained the following results:
1) The incidence of measles was greater during the last study year than the previous years.
2) The age distribution revealed more number of younger patients; among total 197 patients, 82 (41.
6%) were under 16 months of age, 58 (29.6%) were 16 months to 4 years of age, and 46 (23.3%) were
between 5 to 9 years of age
3) Fifty two (26.4%) out of 197 patients were preventable cases.
4) Eighty two (56.6%) out of 145 nonpreventable patients were under 16 months of age, and this
indicates that measles vaccination need to be given at an earlier age than 15 months of age.
5) Out of 58 patients from 16 months to 4 year of age, 31 (59.6%) were preventable cases. This
illustrates that implementation of vaccination programe should be reinforced.
The rest 27 patients (40.4%) being nonpreventable should be explained with further epidemiological
as well as immunological studies.
6) One hundred nine cases had one or more complications, of which pneumonia was the most
Then, current strategy needed more complete implementation to ensure that vaccination take place
at 15 months of age, and analysis of measles epidemiology is indicated so that any necessary change
in stratege can be implemented. |
Key Words:
Measles epidemiology, Preventability |