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A clinical study on the thyroid nodule in childhood.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(8):1116-1122.
Published online August 31, 1991.
A clinical study on the thyroid nodule in childhood.
Yong Ju Kim, Ki Young Cheong, Jong Jin Seo, Young Hun Chung
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Taejeon, Korea
소아 갑상선결절에 대한 임상적 고찰
김용주, 정기영, 서종진, 정용현
충남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 23 January 1991   • Accepted: 13 March 1991
A clinical study was carried out in 27 children with thyroid nodule who visited the Dept, of pediatrics, Chungnam National University Hospital during the 4 year period from March 1986 to February 1990. The results are as follows; 1) The most frequent age group was between 10 to 15 year, and the mean age was 10.65 ±3.19 year. The male to female ratio was 1:4.4 2) All patients complained of asymptomatic neck mass, and fatigue in 4 cases (14.8%), palpitation in 3 cases (11.1%), tenderness on mass in 2 cases (7.4%), and lymphadenopathy in 2 cases (7.4%). 3) The nodules of 14 cases (51.9%) were in the right lobe, 8 cases (29.6%) in the left lobe, 4 cases (14.8%) in both lobe and 1 case (3.7%) in isthmus. 4) The diameter of nodule was less than 1 cm in 2 cases (7.4%), 1-3 cm in 15 cases (55.6%), 3-6 cm in 9 cases (33.3%), and over 6 cm in 1 case (3.7%). 5) 63% of patients revealed euthyroid function, and the remained 37% revealed various mild abnormalities in thyroid function. 6) Most patients (91.7%) had neither AMA nor ATA. 7) ‘Cold’ nodule was revealed in 13(56.5%) of 23 cases, ‘warm’ in 8 cases (34.8%), and ‘hot’ in 2 cases (8.7%). 23.1% of ‘cold’ nodules were papillary carcinoma. 8) Among the 19 histologically proven thyroid nodules,,78.9% was benign and 21.1% was malignant. The malignant nodules were all pailllary carcinoma. 9) 4 cases of papillary carcinoma and 2 cases of adenoma received thyroidectomy, and 67.9% of all cases received thyroxine medication.
Key Words: Thyroid, Nodule

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