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Diagnosis and hydrostatic saline reduction of intussusception under ultrasonographic guidance.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(6):771-778.
Published online June 30, 1991.
Diagnosis and hydrostatic saline reduction of intussusception under ultrasonographic guidance.
Jong Yul Jeon1, Jae Yun Kim1, Chong Woo Bae1, Sung Ho Cha1, Chang Il Ahn1, Sun Wha Lee2, Jae Hoon Lim2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
초음파를 이용한 소아 장중첩증의 진단 및 치료
전종율1, 김재윤1, 배종우1, 차성호1, 안창일1, 이선화2, 임재훈2
1경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2경희대학교 의과대학 방사선과학교실
Received: 23 January 1991   • Accepted: 8 March 1991
Recently, a new technique of reduction for intussusception using saline solution and ultrasonogram instead of barium enema is being used in several centers. In order to evaluate its efficacy, we have conducted the clinical observation in 40 patients with intussusception who were treated by hydrostatic saline reduction under the ultrasonographic guidance in Kyung-Hee University Hospital from June 1989 to July 1990. We have observed the ultrasonographic findings in intussusception and compared the reduction rate with that of 135 cases of control group who were treated by conventional barium enema method. The results were as follows: 1) Before reduction, the diagnostic accuracy of intussusception by ultrasonography was 100%. 2) The rate of successful reduction by saline hydrostatic reduction under ultrasound guidance was 67.5% and that of barium enema was 65.2%. 3) The reduction rate of saline hydrostatic reduction in the patients who visited before 24 hours from the onset of symptoms (81.5쑈) was higher than that of those who visited after 24 hours (38.5%). These differences of reduction rate acording to onset times was also found in barium enema group. 4) The reduction rate of saline hydrostatic reduction was higher in the group of ileocoic type (85. 2%) than that of other types (30.8%). In barium enema group, however, there was no statistically significant differences of reduction rate acording to the type of intussusception. 5) There was no complications during and after the procedure. With these results, we found that ultrasonography is a safe, accurate diagnostic method in child- hood intussusception and ultrasound guided saline hydrostatic reduction was believed to be one of the most promising methods in nonoperative treatment of childhood intussusception.
Key Words: Intussusception, Ultrasonogram, Saline hydrostatic reduction

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