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A Study on the Growth Pattern, History of Respiratory Illness and Family History in Acute Bronchiolitis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1990;33(5):623-631.
Published online May 31, 1990.
A Study on the Growth Pattern, History of Respiratory Illness and Family History in Acute Bronchiolitis.
Dong Won Choi, Byung Ju Jung, Kyu Earn Kim, Ki Young Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
세기관지염 환아의 신체발육, 호흡기 병력 및 가족력에 대한 고찰
최동원, 정병주, 김규언, 이기영
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 29 September 1989   • Accepted: 27 February 1990
The authors evaluated the growth pattern, history of frequent respiratory illness and family history in 111 infants who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University Hospital with the diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis from Sept. 1986 to Jun. 1988. The results of the study were as follows: 1) The sex incidence of bronchiolitis was higher in males compared with the sex incidence of the total number of In-patients below 2 years of age during the same period as the study on bronchiolitis. 2) Bronchiolitis was more prevalent in 3 month to 7 month old infants of both sexes and a large percentage (88.3%) of the 111 cases occurred under 1 year of age. 3) In comparison with the growth pattern, 26.1% of the patients were above the 90th percentile weight curve, whereas 6.3% of the same patients were above the 90th percentile height curve. The weight percentile was greater than the height percentile in 78 cases (70.3%); equal in 23 cases (20.7%); and less in 10 cases (9.0%). 4) There wa no significant relationship between growth pattern and type of feeding in bronchiolitis. And there was little obesity in the physical characteristics of the family in bronchiolitis. 5) Of the patients, 33.3% had suffered from bronchiolitis previously and we considered bron- chiolitis as a disease which dose not frequently recur. 6) Statistically, there was a significant correlation between a previous history of bronchiolitis and a history of frequent respiratory illness. 7) There was no significant relationship of a previous history of a frequent respiratory illness between the fathers and patients but there was a significant relationship of a previous history of frequent respiratory illness between the mothers and patients. In summary, there seemed to be a high weight percentile of the growth pattern in bronchiolitis and a close relationship between a previous history of bronchiolitis and a history of frequent respiratory illness was observed.
Key Words: Bronchiolitis, Growth pattern, History of respiratory illness, Family history

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