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Clinical Studies on Congenital Heart Diseases.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1990;33(1):66-74.
Published online January 31, 1990.
Clinical Studies on Congenital Heart Diseases.
Hee Young Chun, Dae Churl Chung, In Kyung Sung, Kyong Su Lee, Du Bong Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea
근치수술을 받은 선천성 심질환 환아의 임상적 관찰
전희영, 정대철, 성인경, 이경수, 이두봉
가톨릭의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 19 August 1989   • Accepted: 20 October 1989
A retrospective study of 10 years* experience with surgical treatment of congenital heart disease in the St. Mary’s Hospital from 1978 to 1987 was made. Data were analyzed on 188 children with congenital heart disease who had received corrective heart surgery under the age of 18 years. The results were as follows: 1) Out of 188 patients, ventricular septal defect(54.2% of all) was the most common disease, and then Tetralogy of Fallot (17.0%), patent ductus arteriosus(13.3%), atrial septal defectfl 1.7%), pulmonic stenosis(5.3%), transposition of the great vessels(1.6%), tricuspid atresia(1.6%), in their order. 41 cases(21.8%) had clinical cyanosis and 147 case(78.2%) had no evidence of cyanosis. 2) 98 case(52.1%) were male and 90 cases(47.9%) were felmale. Ventricular septal defect and Tetralogy of Fallot were more common in male and patent ductus arteriosus and atrial septal defect were more prevalent in female. 3) Patients of under 2 year, 3〜5 years, 11 〜 15 years and over 16 year-age-group consisted of 19%, 23%, 28%, 23% and 7% of all, respectibly. 4) The most frequent cardiac anomaly associated with ventricular septal defect was pulmonic stenosis, and those of Tetralogy of Fallot was patent foramen ovale. Atrial septal defect was most frequently associated with mitral regurgetation. 5) Perimembranous type(69.4%) and outlet type(20.0%) were more common than any other types of ventricular septal defect. 6) Arrhythmia, respiratory tract problems and congestive heart failure were the most frequent complications after surgery. Atrial septal defect had the highest prevalence of arrhythmia, and right bundle branch block and wandering pacemaker were the most common arrhythmia. 7) Case fatality rate was 34.8%, 7.3% in the former 5-year-period and in the latter 5-year-period, respectibly. Transposition of the great vessels(100%) and tricuspid atresia(66.7%) had the highest mortality rate. Mortality rate in Tetralogy of Fallot was 20.8% and in ventricular septal defect, it was 1.3%. Majority(75%) of patients was died within 24 hours after surgery and hypoxia from low cardiac output was the leading cause of death.
Key Words: Congenital Heart Disease, Heart Surgery, Statistics

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