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A Clinical Survey of Abdominal Masses in the Neonate.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(7):926-932.
Published online July 31, 1989.
A Clinical Survey of Abdominal Masses in the Neonate.
Beyong Il Kim, Jung Hwan Choi, Chong Ku Yun
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
신생아 복부 종괴의 임상적 조사
김병일, 최중환, 윤종구
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 21 December 1988   • Accepted: 31 December 1988
We reviewed 22 newborn patients with palpable abdominal mass among 9, 834 newborn infants admitted to nursery and NICU of Seoul Natinal University Children’s Hospital from Jan. 1, 1983 to Dec. 31, 1987. The results were summarized as follows: 1) The incidence was 2.2/1,000 admission. The difference of incidence was not significant between preterm infants and term infants. 2) The most common etiology of neonatal abdominal masses is hydronephrosis (54.2%). 3) Retroperitoneal masses were 16 cases (72.7%) and among them, renal and urinary tract lesions were most common. Intraperitoneal masses were 6 cases (27.3%) and among them, intestinal duplica- tion cyst was most common. 4) Total 22 patients were examined by ultrasound for palpable abdominal masses. The ultrasound diagnosis was correct or directly contributory to the final diagnosis in 82% (18/22) of the cases. 5) We could not find the malignant tumor among neonatal abdominal masses. 6) The 6 cases of unilateral ureteropelvic junction obstruction was the most common type of neonatal hydronephrosis.
Key Words: Abdominal mass, Neonate

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