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Clinical Observations of Meningitis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1989;32(2):180-190.
Published online February 28, 1989.
Clinical Observations of Meningitis.
Byoung Hoon Lee, Hyung Keun Nam, Myung Ik Lee, Keun Chan Sohn
Department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
뇌막염 환아에 대한 임상적 관찰
이병훈, 남형근, 이명익, 손근찬
국립의료원 소아과
Received: 8 June 1987   • Accepted: 12 September 1988
The 267 cases of meningitis were observed at National Medical Center between Jan. 1st 1979 and May 31, 1986. The results were as follow; 1) In BM and TM sexual difference was not notice, but male was more in AM. 2) In BM infancy was the most common, but school age was common was AM. 3) Most cases developed during spring in BM and TM and summer in AM 4) Common chief complaints were fever, vomiting and headache and on physical exam, neck stiffness, Kering’s sign and Brudzinski’s sign were more common in 3 meningitis. 5) In CSF on admission, leukocytes showed 59.4% of BM above 1000/m³ , 58.4% of AM below 100/ mm³ and 60% of TM between 101 and 300/mm³ Protein was 26.8% of BM between 201 and 500 mg/ dl, 55.7% of AM below 40 mg/dl and 37.3% of TM between 41 and 100 mg/dl. Sugar was 75.0, 80.7% of BM and TM each below 40 mg/dl, 76.3% of AM above 50 mg/dl. In sugar ratio of CSF /Blood, Most cases of BM and TM were below 40%, but AM were above 60%. 6) Hospital course was longer in BM and TM and mortality of BM was 20.0%, but sequale and death was rare in AM. 7) In BM, Organisms on CSF culture revealed meningococci, E coli, H influenza, Pneumococci, Proteus, Klebsiella and Serratia etc. 8) Serum CRP was related with organic complications such as hydrocephalus, CNS involvement, low intelligence, visual or hearing disturbance.
Key Words: B.M.(Bacterial meningitis) T.M. (Tubercular meningitis) A.M.(Aseptic meningitis)

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