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PPD Conversion Rate and Complications According to the Different Time of BCG Vaccination.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1987;30(5):487-490.
Published online May 31, 1987.
PPD Conversion Rate and Complications According to the Different Time of BCG Vaccination.
Kyung Hyo Kim, Seung Joo Lee, Keun Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans Univeristy
BCG접종 시기에 따른 결핵 반응 양전율 및 합병증의 비교
김경호, 이승주, 이 근
이화여자대학교의과대학 소아과학교실
BCG vaccination shortly after birth has shown to protect against tuberculosis in some studies. PPD conversion rate and complications were compared between 174 neonates who received BCG vaccine within 1 week after birth and 330 infants who received BCG vaccine at the 1 month of age. The results were as follows: 1) The PPD conversion rate was 20.11% in the neonates who received vaccine within 1 week of age, and 29.09% at 1 month of age (p<0.05). 2) The complications of BCG vaccine such as BCGitis, BCG lymphadenitis and lymph node abscess were noted in 5 cases. There was no significant difference between the neonates who received vaccine within 1 week after birth and the infants who received vaccine at 1 month of age (p>0.05).
Key Words: BCG vaccine, PPD conversion rate, Neonate.

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