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Early neonatal Mortality Rate in Newborn Nursery.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(10):1087-1094.
Published online October 31, 1986.
Early neonatal Mortality Rate in Newborn Nursery.
Woo Sup Shim, Yoon Taik Kim
Department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center, Seoul,Korea
조기 신생아 사망에 대한 조사
심우섭, 김윤택
국립의료원 소아과
In 5,162 newborns who were born in National Medical Center during the period from January 1980 to December 1984, the authors investigated the early neonatal mortality within 7 days after birth and some factors associated with it. 1) The early neonatal mortailty rate within 7 days after birth was in average 17.4 and. there was no significant difference between male and female in contrast to other previous reports. 2) According to B.W. (birth weight), all under 1,000 gm of B.W. expired within 7 days after birth and infants 3,001 〜3,500 gm of B.W. showed the lowest mortality rate. 3) According to G.A.(gestational age), all under 27 wk of G.A. expired within 7 days after birth and infants 40-41 wk of G.A. showed the lowest mortality rate. 4) All infants were grouped to small fractions by B.W. (birth weight) and G.A. (gestational age), and mortality rate was investigated at each group (Fig. 1). 5)According to the maternal age, babys born from mothers 25〜29 years of age showed the lowest mortality rate and babys bron from mothers 40〜44 years of age showed the highest mortality rate. 6) By the delivery modes, the highest mortality rate was seen in breech delivery group, followed by C-Section, spontaneous vaginal delivery and vacuum extraction group in the order of decreasing mortality rate. 7) Among 90 cases of early neonatal deaths, 56.1% of them occured within 24 hrs after birth and 80.0% within 48 hrs. 8)With infants below 1,000 gm of B.W. of which all expired within 7 days after birth the cause of death was regarded as low birth weight and immaturity itself and occupied 21.1% of early neonatal deaths. Deaths caused by respiratory problem occupied 35.6% of early neonatal death and those by infection, congenital anomaly, birth trauma occupied, about 10% respectively.
Key Words: Early neonataly mortality rate.

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