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Cardiac Malposition.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(2):186-202.
Published online February 28, 1986.
Cardiac Malposition.
Sejung Sohn1, Jung Yun Choi1, Yong Soo Yun1, Chang Yee Hong1, Je G Chi2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
2Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
心位置異常의 形態學的 觀察
孫世植1, 崔正衍1, 尹龍洙1, 洪彭義1, 崔堤 根2
1서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
2서울大學校 醫科大學 病理學敎室
Cardiac malposition refers to any position of the heart other than a left-sided heart in a situs solitus individual. Authors analyzed the clinical, radiological, operative and autopsy findings of 69 patients with cardiac malpositions by segmental approach to describe the internal cardiac anatomy and their arterial connections. 1) Male to female sex ratio was 1.23 : 1 and 68% of cases were under 5 years of age at the first visit. 2) Among 69 cases of cardiac malpositions, 50 cases were dextrocardia, 18 cases were isolated levocardia and 1 case was mesocardia. 3) Among 50 cases of dextrocardia, 18 cases were dextrocardia in situs solitus, 28 cases were dextrocardia in situs inversus and 4 cases were dextrocardia in situs ambiguus with asplenia. And anatomic types of dextrocardia were analyzed. 4) Among 18 cases of isolated levocardia, 11 cases were levocardia in situs inversus and 7 cases were levocardia in situs ambiguus. Among these 7 cases, 2 cases occurred with asplenia and 5 cases occured with polysplenia. 5) Segmental analysis revealed 7 different types in dextrocardia in situs solitus, 10 types in dextrocardia in situs inversus and 6 types in levocardia in situs inversus. 6) There were 2 cases of visceroatrial discordance. 7) Associated cardiac malformations were varible and complex with a tendency of high association of corrected transposition of great arteries in dextrocardia in situs solitus and single ventricle in dextrocardia in situs inversus and levocardia. 8) There were 6 cases of asplenia, 5 cases of polysplenia, 1 case of accessory spleen, 2cases of pigeon chest, 2 cases of intestinal malrotation, 1 case of funnel chest, 1 case of hydrocele and 1 case of spina bifida as extracardiac anomalies. 9) Associated diseases were bronchiectasis in 1 case, chronic renal failure in 1 case and sinusitis in 1 case. 10) There was no case with exception of loop rule 1 case.
Key Words: Cardiac malposition, Dextrocardia, Levocardia, Mesocardia.

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