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Clinical Observation for Low Birth Infant.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(1):18-25.
Published online January 31, 1986.
Clinical Observation for Low Birth Infant.
Kyung Ugk Kim, Man Sik Moon, Song Yee Koh, Dong Whan Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang,Seoul Korea
저출생 체중아에 대학 임상적 고찰
김경욱, 문만식, 고송이, 이동환, 이상주
순천향대학 의학부 소아과학교실
We took clinical observation for low birth weight infant who had been delivered at soon Chun Hyang University Hospital during last 5 years from Jan. 1979 to Dec. 1983. The results obtained were as follows; 1) Incidence of low birth weights was 4.4% and average sex ratio was 1. 24 : 1, of which twin births were 78 cases(15.6%), prematures were 257 cases(64.6%), SGA were 107 cases (24.1%) (Flg. 1). 2) Maternal predisposing factor:s of low birth weight infants were in order hypertension. toxemia. twin births(Table 3). 3) Placental predisposing factors of low birth weights were in order of SPRM. abruptio placenta. placenta previa. 4) Fetal predisposing factors of low birth weight infants were in order of congenital ano. maly. congenital infection. chromosomal anomaly. 5) Total vaginal delivery were 327 cases(82.8%), and CjS delivery were 71 cases(l7.8%) (Table 7). Abnormal presentation such as breech presentation were more common in LBWI than that of total live births. 6) LBWI were more prevalent among mothers who were under 20 year old or over 36 year old(τable 11). 7) The mortality rate of LBWI was 7.0% without sexual predominance and inversely to gestational age and birth weight. Most of death occured within 6 hrs of delivery. The mortality rate was most prevalent among the mothers who were under 20 year old or 32 weeks of gestational age. We made a brief review of literature.
Key Words: LBWI.

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