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A Case of Primary Lung Cancer(Squamous cell ca.) in Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(12):1256-1260.
Published online December 31, 1985.
A Case of Primary Lung Cancer(Squamous cell ca.) in Children.
Soo Ryun Choi1, Choong Hyun Kim1, Soon Ok Byun1, Ji Sub Oh1, Sung Kyun Im2, Ok Ji Park3
1Department of Pediatrics, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan, Korea
2Department of Thoracic Surgery, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan, Korea
3Department of Pathology, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan, Korea
소아에서 발생한 원발성 폐암 1례
최수련1, 김충현1, 변순옥1, 오지섭1, 임승균2, 백옥지3
1왈레스기념 침례희병원 소아과
2왈레스기념 침례희병원 흉부외과
3왈레스기념 침례희병원 임상병리과
We have experienced a case of primary lung cancer (squamous cell ca.) in a 15 years-old boy who presented with productive coughing and mild fever. The diagnosis was made through thoracic roentgenogram, thoracotomy, and biopsy. A brief review of the related literature is given.
Key Words: Primary lung cancer (Squamous cell ca.) in children

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