A Case of Primary Liver Cell Carcinoma in 8 Months Old Infant |
Y.J Choi1, S.W Ahn1, E.S Chang1, M.H Huh1, Y.S Kim1 |
1Department Pediatrics, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital 2Deptartment Pathology, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital 3Childrens Charity Hospital . |
생후 10개월에 발생한 원발성 간암 1 례 |
최영자1, 안소원1, 장응실1, 허만하1, 김연순1 |
1왈레스기념 침례병원 소아과 2왈레스기념 침례병원 병리과 3부산아동자선병원 |
Abstract |
A case of primary liver cell carcinoma developed in 8 months old male infant is reported and brief
review of literature on liver cell carcinoma in infancy & childhood is performed. This report represents
a case of liver cell carcinoma in a youngest infant reported in Korea.